Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oslo is an Exciting City!!

When you've got 24 hours to take in Norway's largest city, where do you go? To the Tourist Bureau of course!! Our delightful helper pointed us in the direction of the Oslo Pass that would allow us to use multiple types of transportation and admission to many museums. So after breakfast (another spectacular Norweigan buffet)...we walked, and ferried, and bussed our way around Oslo taking in the major sites.The Viking ship museum had us all fascinated with the three burial ships that had be found, and dated back to 800's AD. The carving and construction as well ans the handiwork in metal, fabric and wood that were also buried were incredible.

From there it was on to the FolkeMuseum, a huge outside museum with over 135 old Norweigan houses, farm buildings and more that had been moved here. We were able to walk in and discover the log farmhouses of the 17th and 18th centuries as well as an apartment from the 1930's and a stave church from the 1200's.

A little rain and we caught a bus and walked and walked to the Vigeland Sculpture collection at Frogner Park. An undescribable collection of sculptures depicting humanity.

Four tired travelers found dinner at Cathedral Cafe, returned home late (it's very light you know) and thought about facing another exciting day ahead when we would be leaving Norway...homeland to the Norweigan that's another story for another day!! JILL


  1. All sounds marvelous!!! We are enjoying reading about your many adventures. xoxo, Tonya, Erik and Edward

  2. Sounds like a fabulous trip! Can't wait to read more!
    -K, A, L & C
