Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bergen and before

Got here! Safe and sound! No mishaps. Luggage arrived with us. The most major glitch and minor at that, was waiting a long time for our ride. The plan was for a person waiting with a sign. We ended up calling the tour company. "Ten minutes." Chuck said, "That's a good amount to use." Ja! He called us back. "Do you see the driver?" She is there near the Information Stand." Sure enough. We introduced ourselves. We'd been waiting for each other for a half hour!

Not much to say about the plane rides and airports. You just get on, never seeing the exterior of the plane or perhaps just a glimpse through a window, you fly, you get off. You judge the plane by its interior size, but otherwise, they are all a lot alike.

Besides the company of three others I care deeply about, the best part has been the drive from airport to Hotel Augustin in Bergen. Old architecture that appears vaguely familiar, especially if you put yourself in Duluth. There is igneous rock like the sheer walls in the BWCA. The houses are close together and painted in pastels. Mostly, they seem to have tile roofs or slate, not asphalt shingles.

The Augustin is nice too. Compact rooms but comfortable. Currently, we are waiting for dinner.

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